Everything you need to know about guayusa, its uses and benefits.

You’re probably wondering, what is guayusa and is it actually a healthy way to get energy? It is! Keep reading to learn more about its properties and versatility.
The Indigenous tribes living deep in the jungles of Ecuador have used Guayusa leaves for more than 2000 years, learning to cultivate them to unlock a myriad of health benefits that live inside.
Unlike it’s distant cousin the Yerba Mate, known for its bitter taste, guayusa offers rich earthy flavours that are naturally smooth with fruity notes. Guayusa leaf is often brewed with hot water and left to steep, creating a naturally caffeinated herbal infusion that can be enjoyed either hot, or cold over ice.
Although it offers so much more, guayusa tea is best known for its energizing effects; providing a healthy alternative to coffee. Don’t mistake this for just another energy drink, Waykana’s guayusa tea gives you the "kick-start" you need, and is the perfect morning energy without the jitters or crash that caffeine is so well known for. It provides 40mg of healthy caffeine per cup (2 grams) Brew and steep to enjoy hot or cold, blend on your morning smoothies, or bake with Waykana’s guayusa to energize your favourite baked treats.
The catechin and adaptogens within the guayusa leaf provide a slow and smooth release of caffeine; translating into mental clarity and concentration, making it the perfect drink for a good morning routine. More than that, it’s packed with antioxidants for cell protection and a healthy body; chlorogenic acids for good digestion and theobromine to boost your mood and relieve stress. This traditional beverage has also shown benefits over blood sugar regulation and circulation..
Aside from guayusa tea’s health benefits and natural caffeine; for the Kichwa community, it is also a source of life, ritual, and future success. Its growth and cultivation helps the Indigenous of Ecuador preserve the Amazon rainforest. Waykana is there every step of the way by supporting a sustainable supply chain and its family of Indigenous farmers, we bring the very best of the rainforest to your table. Learn more about this journey.
So what are you waiting for? Try Waykana’s guayusa for yourself.
Until next time,
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